Pets in Quarantine, 2020

Gloriana Musical Theatre proudly presents our first virtual production, Pets In Quarantine, written by Stephen Murray and co-directed by Jennifer Windsor and Amanda Ficili. This production is the product of our Youth Theatre Workshop during which our talented actors not only starred in the show, but also created their own sets, designed their own costumes, applied their own makeup, and brainstormed as a team to provide unique creative ideas that really helped this show come together against all odds. We hope you enjoy Pets in Quarantine, and if you really love it, consider clicking the link below to make a donation in support of these talented young artists, and Gloriana Musical Theatre, so we may continue to offer these opportunities to our coastal community.

  • It is the spring of 2020. Humans are staying home, practicing social distancing to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The pets of these humans are confused. Their lives have been changed by the sudden constant presence of their human companions. Eight pets tell their stories of confinement.

 Really Rose, 2019

Mamma Mia, 2019

The Snow Queen, 2019