A Contributor Society Sponsor ($500) receives:
Two Mini Season Passes (3 Shows) w/reserved seating
Two tickets to our Season Kick Off Party
Recognition in the program
A Patron Society Sponsor ($1000) receives:
Three Mini Season Passes (3 Shows) w/reserve seating
Two Tickets to the Season Kick Off Party
Recognition in program
Pre-show announcement
A Sustainer Society Sponsor ($2500) receives:
Four Mini Seasopn Passes (3 Shows) w/reserve seating
Four Tickets to the Season Kick Off Party
Recognition in the program
Pre-show announcement
Invitations to sneak peak rehearsals and special events.
Crew Sponsor ($250/show)
Logo projected or in the program
Social media shout outs during the run of the show.
Two reserved seats for Opening Night of sponsored show.
Cast Sponsor ($350/show)
Logo projected or in program
One social media shout out during the run of the show
Pre-show announcement
Two reserved seats for Opening Night of the sponsored show.
Ghost Light Sponsor ($500/show)
Logo projected or in program
Logo on promotional material for the show
Two social media shout outs during the run of th show
Pre show announcement
Four reserved seats for Opening nIght of sponsored show.
Standing Ovation Sponsor ($1000/show)
Logo projected or in the program
Logo on promotional material for the show
Three social media shout outs during run of the show
Pre-show announcement
Two reserved seats for Opening Night of sponsored show.
Two reserved seats for every performance of sponsored show with complimentary drinks and concessions.